let Yourself Be Successful & You Will Be Successful


"Let yourself be successful and you shall be successful." Unknown

It sounds so damn simple. Maybe I'm just making it too hard. Is it my mental program that tells me success must be earned by going though some major challenge? Is there some part of me that believes that only few succeed in achieving success?

"Let yourself be successful and you shall be successful."


What if there was some little part of me that could accept that even though I don't fully believe this is possible right now, that someday I will believe it's that easy?

What if I took a minute to look at my beliefs and pick out memories that shaped my belief system around success?

Are there stories I've told myself that no longer feel correct--as in, is there anything that I know I used to believe around success, but now I want to challenge it?

If I allow myself to sit quietly alone, hand on my heart, connecting to my breath--can I hear a voice inside me that wants me to know that whatever success I want in life, is there for me?

If I sit quietly, hand on my heart, feeling the breath going in, and breath going out, can I feel the energy vibrating though my body reminding me that I have the power to co-create my life in whatever capacity I desire?

If I believe that I am a powerful co-creator, then can I also believe that my energy has the power to influence certain situations, in fact every situation I involve myself in? Including the ability to align with the energy and frequency of success?

What does the energy and frequency of success look like to me? What does it feel like to me? Is there anyway I can feel this way right now?

Is there anything I feel blocking me from being successful? Is there anything in my mind that believes that I do not have the power to co-create success in my life?

Is that "thing" in my mind true? In what way can this be un-true? In what way can I release this belief and reshape it into something that feels a little better?

Is there some other way I can look at this "thing" in a way that empowers me for BIG TIME GROWTH?

Is there some way that I can change my energy around success and just BE SUCCESSFUL?

In what ways am I already successful? Maybe it's not the next level success I'm trying to manifest, but I know that if I can vibrate in that energy of success, then I will resonate with more "things" in that frequency.

What if I just align with it and I allow more success in? If I can feel the feeling of success, for all the successes I've had, even the tinniest of things like being mindful of my breath, then I will notice more things that I'm successful at--and I will build on this energy over and over again.

What if letting myself be successful and I will be successful begins with me realizing and finding any and everything that I have succeeded at (big and small), and then sitting in that energy---does that make be successful already?

Yes, I think it does. Yes, I CHOOSE to believe it does...

If I'm successful already, then I'm already in the energy and frequency of success, therefore I'm bringing more of it in.

AND this is how "Let yourself be successful and you shall be successful." is TRUTH for YOU right now.

~ Going in a different direction this week. I want you to really dig into these questions. Print them out. Journal on them. Make voice recordings of you speaking these answers out into the Universe. Dump everything out that tells you success cannot be as simple as recognizing where you are already successful and just allowing yourself to BE SUCCESSFUL.

Christina DiStefano

I’m a New York City-based abstract artist creating meditative high vibrational artworks.


Consciously Co-Creating with the Wheel of Life


Mental Programs & the Ripple Effect