Mental Programs & the Ripple Effect

I’m excited to share this writing with you. Be sure to take a moment afterward to think on—or even write on, the questions at the end.

I want to start off by saying that some point on your life journey, you are going to be presented with the opportunity to make the most empowered decision of your life: to face your truth, embrace who you used to be, who you are right now, and the person you desire to be in the future. Desire for transformation is not enough by itself. That little fire that exists within your soul longing to transform your life must be met with some strategic inspired action.

I myself, have been driven by the idea of a quantum leap into this new up-leveled, transformed life and thought that the only good transformation was radically visible therefore required extreme focus and concentration to get the big results I wanted so badly.

But the truth is, the small actions you implement now, have a ripple effect, creating bigger waves that touch multiple areas of your life. The small things, like an immediate shift in mindset that offers us a news lens to look though, sets the foundation for lifelong change and the ability to manifest as a lifestyle.

When I tell you to go into the basement, I am guiding you to reshaping the lens you look though. By getting curious about what’s down there, challenging its validity, and shifting the experience to one that can bring forward understanding and how you can gain wisdom from the experience.

If I were to make a guess, I would say the root of everything we are challenged by comes from our deep rooted feelings of not being worthy of love, financial security, safety and living authentically. Often we think we know what we want, and if we had this ____, well then life would be so much better.

The thing is that if we can exist in the vibration of deserving, it all falls into place naturally. You were born deserving --AND in the energetic vibration of love, light and abundance. The stuff in the basement is just all the crap you a

Deserving—little steps in the right direction make a big impact subconsciously as you rewire the neural pathways of the brain. Think of the new thought as a dirt path in unknown territory, that after being traveled over and over again (via repeated self-talk, new thinking, reframing/looking through a new lens thus new behavior), is now a clear paved roadway. Soon after more and more strengthening of the new pathway, thanks to this new way of thinking and acting, all adding up, soon turns into a superhighway.

Energetically, you are releasing the old program (clearing out old boxes in the basement and getting rid of the stuff you no longer need in this new chapter of your life) and returning to your natural vibrational frequency of love, light and abundance. Be it each time you visit the basement and face the stuff that you’ve been hiding from or maybe right now, just changing the way you speak to yourself in a more caring and compassionate way—like someone that loves themselves—you create a ripple both in the outer world, and most importantly in your inner world.  

What are the quantum leaps and manifestations you are desiring in your life?

Allow yourself to time travel and see into your future. In what ways do the seemingly little changes have the power to make big waves in your future?

Are there other areas that you would like to transform and if so, what are they?

Are there small ripples you can put in motion now to create the change you are seeking? What are they and how can you start today?

Take time to really think on this and acknowledge the healing you are experiencing as well as see into the future the effects of the new thinking you are taking on.

I know that if you permit it to, this message will have a profound impact on your ability to manifest as a lifestyle, and co-create a life beyond anything you ever thought possible.

Christina DiStefano

I’m a New York City-based abstract artist creating meditative high vibrational artworks.

let Yourself Be Successful & You Will Be Successful


Do you ever doubt your work—or possibly your worth?