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who will you be six months from now?


MANIFESTATION transformation membership



with Christina DiStefano

I am here to guide you and facilitate profound change. Together we will explore mental alchemy, transmuting energy, separating yourself from the Illusion of Life, reuniting yourself with your Inner Guide, developing your extrasensory gifts, how to create from the quantum field, and realigning with infinite levels of abundance. 

This six-month COACHING, MENTORSHIP + ENERGY HEALING program is for those seeking true change and willing to commit to it.


{ Payment plans available }


Are you tired of feeling confused about your purpose and want to manifest a more up-leveled life?

Do you desire a change or know how you want to feel—but aren’t clear on exactly what it is you want?

Are you working in a job that you’re unsatisfied with and want to either change careers or start your own business?

Do you know what you want but have no idea how to get there?

Are you seeking a soulmate kind of love but consistently finding yourself in the wrong relationship or no relationship?

Do you question your choices, over-apologize, or feel like you’re not the star of your own life?

Are you seeking more financial abundance in life and your career?


Learn to TRUST YOUR DECISIONS and finally feel CONFIDENT.

Strengthen your intuitive powers bringing your TRUE SELF forward.

Discover the unique imprint that makes you POWERFUL, CREATIVE & ATTRACTIVE.

Understand what SELF-LOVE really feels like and see how it TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE.

Get clear on your LIFE TRAJECTORY, where you want to go, and how you want to get there (even if you don’t know today.

We will clear away the stuff blocking you (I know you feel it. I’ve been there and am here to facilitate your rebirth into the path you were always meant to be on.



  • One 2-Hour Session to identify and plan your next six months

  • Six 1-hour HEALING SESSIONS (consisting of guided meditation + energy healing, one session per month)

  • Six 1-hour COACHING + MENTORING sessions (one session per month)

  • Self-study exercises + session prep worksheet

  • Voxer Messaging support from me

  • Sessions conducted online


How do we bridge the gap between the world we desire and the ideas that exist in our minds? If we can master one sector of our lives, can we not then learn to apply this same wisdom to all areas?

Currently, you are creating a reality shaped by beliefs, concepts, mental programs, and social paradigms, some of which were passed down through generations and all stemming from a society functioning within a broken system.

That said, it is impossible to create a new life if trying to do so from this broken system. You must first transcend the existing paradigm that is your current reality. The Manifestation Transformation Mentorship program was created to help you do just that. 


Very serious participation is required.


When I first discovered LOA in 2004, I thought it was all mental; then, I learned about energy, and with that awareness and practice, it was only a matter of time before movement revealed itself to me.

It is the movement of energy throughout our bodies and out into the world and back to us that attracts the people, places, and things into our lives, bringing the creation of our dreams into our reality. I was always a child moving, touching, talking, dancing, creating, dreaming, and expressing. There was a point when much of that outwardly expressive part of me was silenced, looking back it may have been a gradual progression, but regardless, the capping off of this well of energy led to much anxiety in my life, weight gain, depression, feeling uninspired and lost.

On the outside, it appeared that I did everything right to rise up in my career, I even fooled myself, but once I got there, I found that I felt alone and unhappy, but I couldn’t understand why. I had everything I wanted. By other people’s standards, I was a success in New York City. Yet, I felt stressed out and overwhelmed by the smallest of things. The story is long and layered, but what I will share with you now is that the process was one of discovery, and new modalities were presented to me along the way—first yoga as a student, then mindset (I’ve been a certified life coach for a decade), followed by energy (also a certified Reiki Master Practitioner), and finally circling back to yoga, but now as an accredited instructor.

This is where I now begin to pivot in my offerings. It's not just the mindset alone. It is a whole body set, the holistic approach to creation with all natural born gifts. I'm not talking about your talents. Some might say they have no talent (let me be the first to say that is not true), but regardless I'm not referring to skills. I'm referring to your gifts by way of this heart to feel, this mind to shape, and this body to create it.

You do possess a gifted talent for something; it is your soul’s purpose. The reason you came into this life is hidden from plain sight, but those are just the trappings of your mind, hiding the seeker in you. A mind is there to keep you safe, yet is limited and cannot even begin to conceive the life available to you once you uncover your own unique magic within.

Together we walk a journey of discovery, our beautiful unfolding. We reacquaint You with You, your passions, in both a mental and energetic way. We have those experiences and those discoveries and shift energy into the co-creation of the life we desire. You are the artist of your reality and life. You get to decide, and I am here to help facilitate this for you.

So happy you are here with me on this incredible journey of manifestation transformation!



everything is energy and once you learn to work with this, you change your life.

This is your chance to work directly with me and dive into a culmination of a decade’s worth of research, study & experience in manifestation, transformation & energetic alchemy.


Together we will walk bravely into the darkroom of the unknown.



We connect online for our coaching and mentorship sessions. In addition, you will receive additional inner work and journal prompts, with room for adjustments as we move along on this journey together.

Connection and vulnerability are the focus here as we walk the path of unlearning and learning, releasing and receiving. Too often, we hide away from our vulnerability, not realizing that this willingness to share inspires us to live in truth and alignment with our authentic selves and re-writes the story we have held in our minds.



Manifestation Through Movement is an energetic session to move dense body energy around, connecting you to your breath & rewriting your mental “program.” to reunite you with your Inner Guide (intuitive self). As we move energy throughout your body, we clear energy blocks while simultaneously unlearning those things that mentally keep you from a natural flow of abundance—all while rewiring the mental program to one in alignment with health, wealth, and success. The program is simple, as energy doesn’t have to be complicated. We learn to un-complicate things with MTM. Frequency and repetition are key factors here. The more sessions you do, the deeper the cleaning and the quicker the reprogramming takes hold.



Meditation + Mantra are incorporated to further align with uncovering your soul’s calling and aligning with purpose. Meditation is how we hear the messages from within, our Inner Guide, Higher Self, the Universe, and God—regardless of your terminology, this is how you tap into the wisdom and knowledge necessary to live with purpose. Mantra is the tool used to re-write your mental program—it’s really that simple; through the use of words and phrases, you begin to identify the story you’ve told about yourself in the past (with the current results) and over-ride that program, just like computer software, with a new story that heals and empowers you.

While there are three main areas of focus in MTM (mind, body & soul), you will find that each modality impacts and overlaps with the other.
