Consciously Co-Creating with the Wheel of Life


Recently, I noticed that I am spending too much time working and on personal growth and not enough time on my family, friends, fun and recreation. This led to me working with a pretty handy tool called the Wheel of Life. As a result, I made a conscious decision to put more energy in these areas and have a little more faith that the other stuff will survive if I take a night off (or a few days. 

What is the Wheel of Life and why is it so powerful? It’s personal development tool and a fantastic way to assess your life. The WOL will help you in identifying which areas are off balance and where you want to consciously co-create with the Universe to manifest next level changes in your life. 

Before we jump into this, I want to define BALANCE—what it is, what it is not.

By definition, and thanks to Google, BALANCE is defined as “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady,” which is what I think most people tend to think of when they hear balance. Balance is further defined as the actual act of “putting or keeping something in a steady, stable position so it does not fall”—which is what I would like us to focus on here. 

In my never ending quest to find balance in my life, I have come to the understanding that those moments in which I feel perfectly aligned, as though all is perfect in my world, should be celebrated while they last. Life consists of seasons, times in which all feels balanced and in the flow. Followed by those sudden moments in which contrast presents itself and as a result, something gets thrown out of whack. I find this interesting to observe because it’s actually much more gradual over time and not an immediate click. It takes time for the physical manifestation of whatever is out of balance to form into a "seemingly sudden" wake up call.

For me, work, love life, the podcast, social media, family, friends, real estate, etc. are all in flux in terms of having a balanced distribution of my energy. This is ALWAYS changing for me and always will be. Achieving a state of permanent balance is a human impossibility, an illusion that we (former) perfectionists cling to.

I often assess where I am on my journey and my quality of life out of habit. I’ve been a certified life coach for a decade and so I know what to do when life feels a little crazy. Now do I ALWAYS do these things? Not always but let’s not forget that we on a journey of learning and unlearning; therefore we must learn how to fall in love with the process and the realizations that come with it. At this stage on my journey, I have identified signals, those little red flags that tell me it’s time to assess things and make some adjustments in life and in my thinking. 

Some of the stuff that’s recently coming up for me is that I need time for the integration of all the amazing things I’m uncovering and learning on my self-development journey. Also, because I am taking time to focus on fun, I am naturally becoming more abundant in all areas—because I am vibrating at a frequency of joy. Let me tell you something about abundance energy; it finds joy so damn attractive. 

To that I say, bring it! I welcome abundance in every way, every day, and when I laugh, or connect with loved ones, I am shifting my vibration back to the energy of Love, Light & Abundance. As a result, things naturally want to unfold for me, and I’m not just talking about more sales in my real estate business. I feel a more abundant connection with my Inner Guide and intuition. 

When I focus on the energy of connection, I manifest more connection energy in all areas of my life. This includes connecting to my Inner Guide, my own innate wisdom and to all the people, places and things that must align for my manifestations to come to fruition. I feel more divinely guided in my actions when I allow the unfolding to happen, rather than just go hard and work, work, work.

With all this in mind, it’s summertime, things are slowing down a little and there couldn’t be better time to assess your life and start to plant the seeds of change for the fall. (Yikes did I say fall? Why can’t summer last forever in NYC?? Autumn in New York is actually pretty amazing!) 

By identifying the areas out of balance, you can then start to structure new thinking, new goals, new priorities and shift energy to the others areas of your life to bring a little more balance. 

Try it out and let me know what comes up for you. I look forward to sharing my insights with you on tomorrow’s podcast!

Christina DiStefano

I’m a New York City-based abstract artist creating meditative high vibrational artworks.

Let Them Be on Their Journey & Focus on Your Beautiful Unfolding


let Yourself Be Successful & You Will Be Successful