Do you ever doubt your work—or possibly your worth?

Do you ever feel like you’re afraid to do something because you might do it wrong or someone might criticize your actions? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I feel this every time I wrote my Sunday email and I still feel it every time I release a new podcast. True story.

These emails as well as the podcast are based in things happening to be and how I overcome them—and then I share those situations with you so you can take the little wisdom nugget and run with it.

When I record a podcast, I often wait a few days before I will even listen to it because I’m worried that I will judge myself. In fact, I’ve noticed that then I do listen to my podcast I will often wait a few days before listening to it.

Do you ever feel this way?

Do you ever doubt your work—or possibly your worth?

Could you possibly be your worst critic and way too damn hard on yourself?

I am willing to guess your answer.

Hi I’m Christina Medina and I’m my worst critic. Knowing that you have a problem is half the battle as they say.

Here’s the thing. I could care about your opinions and thoughts of me, I already have that program within me, the one that wants to be liked, loved and valued, yet every day I start to care less as I come into alignment with m soul’s purpose. But if I allow that to shape my message, control me, or limit me from sharing, then I miss an opportunity to align with truth. I know my heart and I know my intention.

Why am I telling you this? Because I’ve come to the realization in this process that the more I am connected to my authentic self and the more I act in alignment with that, the less I care about the opinions of others.

What does that have to do with being my own worst critic? We cannot truly know another person’s thoughts or opinions of us. It’s impossible. The things we think someone else is noticing or thinking about us is just a projection of what we think they’re thinking.

Our fears and insecurities come to life and are illuminated in a mental movie.

Simply put, why waste time feeling judged—maybe what you think they are judging isn’t even noticed because they’re too busy thinking about someone else judging them?

We put entirely too much focus on others and nowhere near enough focus on who we want to be in this world. Remember last week---you are an amazing badass co-creator. You have energetic power and the ability to connect to your heart, your Inner Guide, and connect to your intention for this life.

Take time to connect with this because it will make you stronger in the appreciation for who you are. When you are grounded in this self-discovery, YOU:

  1. Understand that others are either trying to figure it out too—or maybe not, that’s not your concern.

  2. Know your heart and soul’s intention, YOU KNOW IT—if they don’t get it, then it’s all good.

  3. Honor your path and the unfolding of it and anything that isn’t in alignment with is doesn’t have to be relevant unless you make it so.

For this week I encourage you to observe just how often you judge yourself.

Take note of it literally---get out a notebook and write about what you were feeling and why you had to be so hard on yourself, OR make a voice recording and talk about it as if you’re speaking to your best friend.

Little things like this realization and these exercises, can take root and change your mental program. These types of changes in the program are what set your life in the direction of worthiness and deserving. Two things you must get clear on in order to manifest your up-leveled life.

Christina DiStefano

I’m a New York City-based abstract artist creating meditative high vibrational artworks.

Mental Programs & the Ripple Effect


Listening to Your Inner Guide