Manifestation bath ritual

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Several people have reached out to me on Instagram asking how to set up a Manifestation Bath. I thought I would take the time to outline here how I came up with the idea, exactly what I do and the energy I put into it. 

Through my experience as a visual, performance and conceptual artist, I learned how to transmute energy via my intention into something of my own creation. I took this a step further by creating what is called instructional art. What this consists of is a set of instructions provided to the viewer, inviting them to carry out each step. My intention in this kind of unusual, and not exactly profitable art, was to help align my audience with positive feelings. 

The Manifestation Bath is just like an instructional art piece I would have created in the past. Back then I was very interested in using instruction to create energy between someone experiencing my art. In fact my art evolved to just instructions for you, the viewer to experience a feeling I hoped to guide you to through. I also carried out my own instructions and recorded them in a photograph (this is the performance part). 

I’m including a photo of a performance I did in 2008 called “How to Heal a Broken Heart.” I created this piece during my separation from my former husband. It wasn’t an easy time for me and like many artists I transmuted that energy into creating art. I have to say it actually made me feel better. At the time people thought it was a little bit of a cute joke but now that I fully understand energy and how it works, I know it’s not. 

What first came naturally as an artistic person, later developed into an understanding that this intentional use of energy could become more than just making visual art. I held within me the power to create an entirely new life for myself. 

So this bath was a natural progression for me as a spiritual person and artist wanting to guide you on a journey. You are both the artist (of your life) and the person experiencing the art. 

If you've been on this journey with me for some time you know that I speak about being conscious of the intention we put into something. As a Reiki Master, I learned that there is an energy, this Life Force Energy, that exists within us and all around us. We can channel a flood of this energy though our bodies and use it to shape ideas into existence. 

The Manifestation Bath is my way pf creating a healing vessel that you, the participant, can intend energy into and then allow yourself to soak up whatever intention you put into the bath (water). 

Going even further back, as little girl I was in awe of the holy water vessel in my grandmother's church. She explained to me that a priest blessed the water, therefore it was special and sacred. This memory stayed with me yet I had no awareness of its true significance until years later. 

There was one particular day in 2018 that I came up with the idea of taking a bath and using this same holy water concept for the bathwater. I was feeling creatively blocked and felt energetically disconnected from the flow of ideas that I am normally very tapped into. It occured to me that I could place an intention over my bath and infuse it with Life Force Energy. 

The presence of Reiki in my life helped me to experience and understand that a practitioner can infuse Reiki energy into our food and water for consumption--so I thought why not through my pores??? 

Could it be possible that I can intend to have the negative energy blocks cleansed from my body and then intend the water to realign me with my natural born frequency of love, light and abundance? I tried it and loved my results. I felt cleansed of all the BS mental crap that clouded my head. I was picking up a lot of stuff in my corporate career and just life in NYC. 

Needless to say, this is now my favorite self love and self care ritual. Thank you to my Inner Guide for giving me this one! 

So light a candle and a stick of palo santo--let's get started. 

Remember, you are the artist of your reality and life. 

For the Manifestation Bath you will need:

1/2 cup epsom salt
3 drops of ylang ylang
8 drops of lavender 
3 drops of patchouli 
splash (or two) of rose water

a few dashes of pink himalayan salt
dried flowers

Use your creativity.

Follow your heart.

Add whatever you like.

Combine each ingredient one at a time, starting with the salt. As you place each ingredient in the bath, recite your intention for it. 

For example, with epsom salt, I say, "Cleanse and release anything negative blocking me from aligning with my natural flow of love, light and abundance."

Epsom salt is known for its detoxifying properties and so I intend the salt to clear and detoxify the negative energy.

For lavender I ask it to open me up to new ideas and understanding. 

I intend the ylang ylang to open me up to my femenine creativity, and patchouli I intend to ground me in the execution and structure of my ideas. 

Lastly, I splash some rose water into the mix and ask it to open my heart and realign me with love. 

Finally I swirl the water with both of my hands in the shape of an infinity symbol, reciting the intention out loud again, 

“I intend these ingredients to realign me with my natural born frequency of love, light and abundance."

After that I get in and let the ideas surface as I focus on my breath. Not trying--just allowing the release of anything blocking me and allowing the alignment to take place naturally. 

So now I share this ritual recipe with you and hope that it brings even more love, light and abundance to you! 

Let me know how it goes!


Christina DiStefano

I’m a New York City-based abstract artist creating meditative high vibrational artworks.

Transmuting Energy for Empaths